the battle begins...
Saturday, May 26, 2007 0 comments

hihi guys.. yea it's been EXTREMELY long tt i last last posted. anyway, life as usual, only the weight of the upcoming 'O's are upon all of us sec4s' shoulders.. aww pain.. aint it? haha.. dont worry ba, we can do it de! the battle begins.. muahahaha it's between how it ends, and hw it shld be.. "LET's ROCK!!"

realy, realy worried for me CL. i mean, i duno abt others, but their result seem kinda stable. no matter hw many practices i do rite, it's like my pace is still de same de. comprehension lvl is stagnant and not improving at all.. haiz. well, some others may belong in e same death trap tgt, but mebbe we shld try and believe in ourselves ba. at least mus try nt to give end-yr a chance to retake CL 'O's. so ma huan la, if u can imagine. to all viewers and frens and sec4 sch-mates, gd luk ba.. hahas jiayou!! =)

our klass...zzz.. same old story, full of DISharmony, conflicts, and so-called unjust ruler. summore our *cool* prev SS teacher kena replaced.. sianz the very.. jus enemies reinforcements have arrived.. mebbe even the animals have joined them too.. diaoz.. xP

anyway, life for me has been unprettily bleak.. zzz... abstained frm P2P downloading.. all the songs i wanna grasp canot ler.. guess i hav to rely on buying or kope-ing ler.. muahaha. comm still lags, but nt as half bad nowadays. ytd played 2 hrs gunz!! CAPITAL YAY!! woots... howeva play halfway comm hanged.. zzz.. kinda sianz. nth much going as usual.. some emotional racking, internal conflicts, faith towards God, friends, studies, family, CCA.. lol wads new? jus nid da get 'A's for 'O's and my ABs.. hehe

okie... haha tt's all ba. enjoy and take care all!! luv ya all, each and every creation of the King above all kings. <3

Switchfoot - I Dare You To Move
Sunday, April 15, 2007 0 comments

Hihi.. jus wanna share wif all viewers dis song.. ermm it's nice, wif lyrics below, it's overwhelming. Love it mann.. esp in verse one. Enjoy!!^^

Dare You To Move lyrics

Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next
What happens next

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before

Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be


Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here...

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened before

Wah stress.
Thursday, March 29, 2007 0 comments

Hey wazzup guys!! Haha my blog nw become monthly post de. If ytd post, then is exactly one mth.. haha. Sian sia, this wk nid check files la, everyone tired, stressed, sianz, and full of complaints. eventually no time to do hwk or studies, then if tml tests fail then nth to say liao.. canot blame mah, wat to say la, so is still our fault. blehx. sianz...
think tt's it? nvr man.. persecution in me is neverending.. jus like everyone else's. im doing hard to just b a good Christian, but e problems jus keep coming la. wanna noe hw hard Christian life is? u haf to obey 10 commandments la.. try as u might, some may nvr get it rite at all. anyway, one of'em is to love ya neighbour, where neighbour = ppl around u, loved ones, frens, blah blah yada yada. try la, when u keep loving people but u'll jus never get close to them at all when u need to. though ppl do support, but tt's when u need to and u tell them. wat bout them coming to u? NEVER. think it's fun to b all alone everytime? seeing people at least going in pairs during recess.. haf u ever felt being alone? no one to talk to, whole day is ruined, happy things cant be shared but kept to urself.. well im nt trying to make ppl sympathise me; pls dont if u are. well wanna share abt myself, tt's all. these things cant be forced; it's stupid, like forcing someone to love u. nonsense. love needs to be developed slowly. mebbe tt's jus me, being nt caring and appreciative enuff.. mebbe i jus dont haf common interests wif ppl, tt's y few ppl can click wif me. haiz.. wat's the prob? i still dont get it y i nt feeling so DAMN sad la, at least can fork out smiles every nw and then..
jus wana tell u all viewers to appreciate all frens tt u haf rite now. one day everyone's gonna leave u, and u've gotta start anew. dont rely on ppl too much though. jus get all the love u can during this last year.. dont give no damn to competing among one another, jus live in harmony tgt for the last year to cherish, cuz these days are certainly to pass someday. for me? continue praying lo. and tt i haf to be more independent and less lazy and scared.. tt's all.

Project: Acceleration*07
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 0 comments

Wow.. so long nvr touch my blog le, yet ppl still tag by, im so touched T_T.. haha i mean ^^ yesh lol. Gt sick today, but wats more impt, was tt i couldnt stay or i'd implode and go crazy... Omg wads happening to me?! Seriously nid help.. viewers if u haf the heart and the kindness can tag ur comments ^^
haiz.. so far my studies were still bad. nvr did plan my time well... wth me. haiz, my fault. Ok, so tt's one. Then there's the demotivating devil ringing in my head to slack, like now, tt's y i writing ma blog, so not wasting time, at least ppl can see.. hah. oso there's the heart-killer. to be frank rite, i hate my position more and more.. always feel stressed de.. gib u bigger clue ba, always feel sian canot talk to ppl.. well some of u dont think so, so be it.. i'll jus find others to share. If only i were to make a sacrifice and move to zhengkang's place.. too painful ba. ermm ok i like putting probs out lidat, haha. anyway, sometimes cant stand form teacher, but today ok ok la, mebbe my impression towards her changed a bit, or cuz previously it was jus depression, tt's y canot stand her nagging ba.. haha she like so caring towards me today, but as a class canot la.. i'm so confused @_@ .. haha.. alot of things la, even virtuality cant explain my heart. for me, i jus pray everything be alrite ba, meanwhile i shld start planning and stop slacking.. sometimes oso jus help ppl on their journey.. gosh, only at her presence then i stress.. o y Lord?

VISION 2007: ACCELERATE!! new visions, new goals, new strategies, new fruits!! Dont give up, stay strong, be faithful; it produces patience.
~one word summary: help~

Day power
Sunday, February 04, 2007 0 comments

long tym no touch blog le... did some major construction tt lasted barely 1/2 hr... muahahaha... lol jking... life seems to b starting to turn a new leaf... and it's nt bad, but quite hard too. i jus hope and pray tt everything b alrite ba...
a day like dis comes like once in a while la. morn is drum prac, but i no choice haf to go, cuz haf to meet up wif bros at dhoby. was 1 hr late xP, but they understand... don't u, guys? haha lurve u all, *muackzz* lol ok i mustn't b too lame. anyway, i prefer to disclose the location in case... nvm. afta tt we gave yenxi a surprise la (Thea's fren =] ). was so funi lor!!! haha lmao.. i mean at the prank, nt her.. haha wat a cool cell grp.
headed to church, praise & worship, sermon, fellowship and hangout, then dinner le... time passes fast when ur enjoying.. haha. sad at first, but guess wat? we headed back to church afta tt!!! woot~ at church some of us listen to songs played by alton on da acoustic... so nice and relaxing, then weehoe, thea, 1 more person, and 1 were like 'pooling'.. lol more fun nia... cuz i won both wif teammate de =) muahahaha... lol jking jking, sry if i nt too humble, but every now and then must celeb a bit mah rite? lol it's nth la... cuz i oso nub ma.. we all nubs =) afta a game/2 some of us + me prayed la... at first is like 3 ppl only, then suddenly grow to many many nia... mus thnk those guys for enhancing His presence... yay~ it's so anionting la... and powerful... esp when ppl shout in tt language... anyway, realy lurve my church bros and sis.. haha thnks for everything man... oso thnk u Norman for bringing me here la, if nt i duno wat i'd b doing now... plucking leaves? lol.. realy lurve tt prayer session... and everything else at tt time..
reached at home at abt 12mn... and then until now =) haha dis is quite a cool moment... hope it motivates me to initialise a momentum... understand ma? can decipher? hope u can... u readers all so smart mah.. haha... cya someday y'all!!! saya keluar barris~

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 0 comments

2006 is closing in... up nxt is 2007, our showdown year. o lvls la, for some hu nt quite sure. recently i discovered i had nt been realy into studying, and my hwk were incomplete... haiz... about a week left to sch reopening, stil nid to prepare for cca orientation and campfire. curse me for my luck for being an SPL... duno y MOE alow points to b deducted via cca and affliation.. it's quite unfair la, come to think of it. tt's y i have to persevere both scouts and drum lo.
my hols were somehow fully occupied la, for cca and church and outings, so hwk veri hard to find time do... but all these excuses la, in the end stil blame myself for bad time management... blah blah. today i camped at sam's hse from ytd, where i chiong from bugis to my hse then to his hse again, on da way walked someone home, then reached home like... 9pm?! omg late late liao, chiong to sam's hse ar!!! in the end, go dere jus to b a bit bored and play halo2 thru the nite until like 6am. until now still feel a bit regretful..
afta dis gt a bit mood swing oso... hai... realised i had so much to do. tot tt afta the camp can at least rest for sometime, but NO... still gt camp orientation de thing prep and campfire... trying to flood my head wif songs of praise and worship to calm down and clear my mind, but too tired to do anything though. do my best ba, jiayou ba!! haha.. ytd actually damn HIGH de, but today slightly below mediocre... blehx xP.. aww.. jus pray tt everything'd b managed rite on time...

Monday, December 11, 2006 0 comments

accepted christ. afta tt, then wat? wat is happening to me? the devil.. is it's jus me? omg, guess im becoming more of samson... NONONO. haiz... so many things to take care of... even during prayers i still cant feel GOD... ?!?! howeva, suddenly listen to those worship songs... suddenly so calm. ohmygosh... wad's wif me?
mebbe it's still becuz of my own worries... tips, anyone? cuz i dont think i can even hold on lidat. everytime see myself restrict from the others, *ugh* ... duno y i cant talk oso... true... so i should still jus try b more open.
or mebbe it's jus i nt used to being disciplined. nt willing to sacrifice some things for God... esp one of the 3 Gs mentioned... dont want to say lidat, but u'll noe. mebbe cuz i jus nid 2 b loved and to love, jus to haf tt person to help, serve, depend, trust... of jus to haf more frens which i currently unable to. still, tips anyone? pls help... *ugh*..

welcome =)

[#o1] Welcome to mah bloggy
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] Tag before you leave [puh-leaseeee?]
[#o5] No vulgarities [!@*&$^%]
[#o6] Leave if you're unhappy =(

the author

!15 yrs!
!Short... aww T.T!


1> GCE 'o' lvls L1R5 <10
2> Learn until electric guitar!!SOW!
4> Stay happy =)
5> Get off depression.
6> Get back my ABS!! =)
7> Caring for others, esp frens, love ya all!!


1> Nvr give up!! Or u'll b sorry!!
2> Stay strong, 'keep holding on'!!
3> Stay faithful; it produces patience.
5> James 1:2~3 -> 'Various trials, faith -> patience'
6> Philippians 3:13~14 -> 'Forget past, reaching forward to future.'
7> Be sensitive to others!!
8> Live with discipline, self-control, and a shepherd's heart.

link xchnge


%3J'o6, 4J'o7%
Ji Yuen~
Shu Feng~
%Nice frenz%
Mi Sis~

drop a tag

long time ago
February 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

designer: ambivalente
lyrics: getty

Musix X'tras
