Thursday, September 21, 2006 0 comments

yoyo~ 2 more weeks to exams le, so all the best to all!! dont lose out, and do ya best!! today nt so bad la, even though gt a bit, but dissipate liao. all thx to this someone!! (relax, is a boy)
sry ar, i cant help it but to insert lyrics into my blog... scared nvr update ma. quite bulky la, now my blog become like so wasted lidat... LOL. BTW, tt lyrics can be obtained from , so dont say tt i steal ppl's lyrics hor!! im gona print another of those.. lol.
cant explain tt unusual brightness in myself today. so cheerful, even though we kena mdm sue lecture again... haiz.. but wth. do i wan her back? hmmm.... tough tough tough.. ehh..well ya, dont wish to b taken by mrs chia again... aww man... hope not. very confused and stressed by all these, and studies. omg... i dont even noe wat i have revised... aww sh!t. mus motivate myself to study..........
ok! time's up liao.. gtg.. and wish all viewers and frens, esp 3Js, gd luck in the upcoming exams!!! make the very FINAL leap and tt's it... can relax a bit.

Good Charlotte - We Believe
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 0 comments

"We Believe"
There's a woman crying out tonight
Her world has changed
She asks God why
Her only son has died
And now her daughter cries
She can't sleep at night
Another day for all the suits and ties
Another war to fight
There's no regard for life
How do they sleep at night
How can we make things right?
Just wanna make this right
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
In this love
We are all the same
Human in all our ways and all our pain
(So let it be)
There's a love that could fall down like rain
(Let us see)
Let forgiveness wash away the pain
(What we need)
And no one really knows what they are searching for
(We believe)
This world is crying for so much more
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
In this love
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
In this love
So this world
Is too much
For you to take
Just lay it down and follow me
I'll be everything you need
In every way
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
In this love
(In this love)
We believe
(In this love)
We believe
(In this love)
We believe
(In this love)

Thanks to Abby Lewis ( for these lyricsThanks to Sarah (, for correcting these lyrics, and for providing these lyrics.

Thursday, September 14, 2006 0 comments
check it out!!!~ it's lame, cool, funny, stupid, innovative, fantastic, blah blah everything positive u can think of. helps in destressing xD

2nd day aft sch reopen
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 0 comments

Actually, sch nvr did close.. y i say lidat? becuz i nid go back sch from wed in the hols to sun!! wth.. hw nt done finish yet, then time oso hard to manage for me.. nth i can do. exams cuming like about 3 wks time (i brought out 1 more wk so tt i can panic)..
Tues. Went to sch per normal, just to find sam MC for about.. quite some time. Get well soon!!! we miss euu~ anyway, have to start to push myself beyond my limits and make thru the final stretch of dis yr.. come to think of it, i still nid a lot of revising.. (heard tt gerard? wat u still doing here?!) all my amaths and physics formulae all return back to teacher liao, must fight for them back.. and my VALUES, lol dun nid say. Stress keeps cuming back, and u have to constantly ease it.
Sian.. my height still not progressing... after a bit of survey, leaders around my height wont get much respect and attention from ppl de.. like me lar, walau puberty so fast ova, jump now oso no use... blehx, no pt crying ova spilled milk.
(Done enuff le ma, gerard? get ur ass crackin' and revise lar!!!)

days of daze
Friday, September 08, 2006 0 comments

omg... i cant go on lidat. morn wake up sooo early and carry some idiotic heavy stuff to sch... using the MRT train... wth arms all sore liao. now my eyes cant help but close... y m i trapped in this hell?! some more is hols leh, y canot slp more?
by rite, first few days nt so bad la, but last 5 days canot slack... consecutive scouting days.. wth. plus some of da days all filled wif tests. hope can pass my cook badge !!xD Esp on thurs... one whole day almost stand under the sun, omg... tio sunburn sia!! tt one npnp la, but at nite i gt sick.. duno y too, but i think is just common cold la. back to this, today is cook test... almost canot start fire, so almost wana 'cry' and go home. lolx. in the end, nt quite we expected la, Raymond sae can pass but must have report... then we sort of 'O_O' !! tml and day after tml is drumming lo, for duno wat japanese cultural exhibition thing at vic threatre... think mus b reali grand dere... and m i going to b center again? cool~~
sian.. hols going ova liao... no more late nites and hol mood.. mus really hit the books really hard in an expression, not literally la, then no excuses!! mus remind myself.. -no pain, no gain- , -u wont lose when u fail, but u lose when u give up- , blah blah...

04092006... im a big boy le
Monday, September 04, 2006 0 comments

lol.. today is a special and INDELIBLE day, nt only tio scammed by 'i-forgot-my-wallet' trick, but oso a series of nostalgia (hapi ones).

went to fren's hse, oblivious to the fact tt everyone was dere. felt a bit paisei cuz it was held at sam's hse, nt mine. All his resources and effort spent on mi.. so touched and grateful... thanks man, for making mi 15th bdae a memorable one. mebbe nxt year i should thank u, or mebbe on ur bdae!! lol

had a wonderful time tadae, with myself, sam, paul, caroline, tinghui, wenyan, jia lin, huiqi, and wingki. da whole day was about fun, eat, FUN, EAT, and talkcock. hehe.. thx for spending e day together!! y'all rawks!! cool~~ we interacted a lot and yea, it was way cool and sweet!!~~ mebbe we can form a 'clan' xP

i dont mind about presents actually, but gt a few precious ones... a shirt, then pillow, then a book, and a hair-gel-in-a-test-tube de, but it sort of break and.. sad. but nvm la... as long gt show appreciation, i vv hapi liao.

once again, thx for all the time, efforts, resources, and laughs we shared on this day... i feel extremly relaxed and forgot most of my probs.. luv y'all~~

welcome =)

[#o1] Welcome to mah bloggy
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] Tag before you leave [puh-leaseeee?]
[#o5] No vulgarities [!@*&$^%]
[#o6] Leave if you're unhappy =(

the author

!15 yrs!
!Short... aww T.T!


1> GCE 'o' lvls L1R5 <10
2> Learn until electric guitar!!SOW!
4> Stay happy =)
5> Get off depression.
6> Get back my ABS!! =)
7> Caring for others, esp frens, love ya all!!


1> Nvr give up!! Or u'll b sorry!!
2> Stay strong, 'keep holding on'!!
3> Stay faithful; it produces patience.
5> James 1:2~3 -> 'Various trials, faith -> patience'
6> Philippians 3:13~14 -> 'Forget past, reaching forward to future.'
7> Be sensitive to others!!
8> Live with discipline, self-control, and a shepherd's heart.

link xchnge


%3J'o6, 4J'o7%
Ji Yuen~
Shu Feng~
%Nice frenz%
Mi Sis~

drop a tag

long time ago
February 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

designer: ambivalente
lyrics: getty

Musix X'tras
