Youth Camp yeah~
Friday, November 24, 2006 0 comments

wondering where i was past few days ago? aiya, actually some of ur noe liao, went for dis youth camp organised by Heart Of God Church!!! *clap clap* ahahaaha LOL... too bad was a day camper, but was fun anyways. didnt get to achieve wat i wanted dere... but at least gt like 1% completed.
~~{::*1st Day*::}~~
^^ nice ma? LOL... anyway, first day was basically assembling teams, so afta everything finish we had free and easy time la, aww so sad, nvr had chance to bond wif team members... sad... but played bball wif some others. truthfully, they not bad la, some even beta than me, which is like, so normal rite? i mean, someone's always beta than u rite? there's no perfect person though xP. Haha... then took a bath which mus queue up de, and went to church for nite service.

Sermon: Build your own altar.

In-depth: Stay on your fixed stand. Do not abandon it because of peer pressure or external pressure and continue serving it's purpose.

went out for dinner afta tt, which is like 10pm, then reach home like 2330 hrs liao... so late. lucky still can wake up nxt day for day 2...

~~{::*2nd Day*::}~~
report to camp @ 9am?! omg [oh my goodness; dont get me wrong :)] anyway, lucky morn gt teacm activity, and it was the 'Amazing Race'!! initially we were like O_O, then became >.<, no la, jk jk, is become =), lols. we gt like 7 objectives la...

1 > Buy a bread from breadtalk named 'nan chi'.
2 > Find this place given the clue 'I say simon, you say blind'.
3 > O_O oops forgot...
4 > aiya so long liao... forget all these

sry, couldnt cont, my memo failing me >.< . LOL we smuggled food from old chang kee into the MRT, and one of our members kena nagged by a foreign old lady... omg [again, dont get me wrong xD] (foreign as in we nvr c b4 de)... feel so suay and paiseh... but wth. i forgot to check da results >.< ... same thing lar, aftanoon we go makan, then free and easy.. played more bball and lost more times. sia la, no defense de, and we lost, but ova liao lerrs.. LOL. same old thing, we went 2 bathe later and went to church for another nite service.

Sermon: Qns 1> Are you ready for the spiritual wind to hit you?
2> How big is your heart to receive the wind?
3> For how long are you going to accept God?

In-depth: Nothing to say, read ^top^.

Dis time even later... we departed from church @ 2230 hrs, went to newton circus to makan, budden all seafood de sia... mebbe except 1 or 2 chicken rice stalls... poor me, lucky managed to find a chicken rice stall amidst de others... *phew* eventually reached home at 0030 hrs next day?! omg [lol, sry but get used to it, it's *goodness*], lucky tml no nid report back liao... *whew*...
thursday was like so worn out, overslept and unable to go out... practically stayed at home all day >.< , well mebbe except played some bball solo downstairs my blk. aiya, used to it liao, no nid sympatising. LOL, it's a euphemism for pitying.. haha... tt's all for dis wk... next few days are just scouts and drum...
come to think of it, i think our scout cum drum unit is seperating finally... but it gibs me countless headaches la... wat to choose??? confirm y'all say drum de la, or some will try to help me by saying things i knew, thank y'all for ur help =D .. it's still my friggin decision... hmmmmm.... dis will take a pretty looooooooooooooooooong time to choose a path...
[recall: Sermon, build my own altar...] wish me luk, and thx for hearing me out xD, tt's y i even blog~

out and back
Saturday, November 18, 2006 0 comments

quite long time nvr touch blog le... past few days i was outta singapore, well not too far away. I was at cruise la, going to kuala lumpur then back. lucky nth happened, as in ship sinking, or earthquake, tsunami, thunderstorm.... omg touchwood xP
the ship is so damn huge lo!! max capacity is 1960 passengers. we stayed at the balcony suite.. so shiok!!! can see the sea in ur own cabin. first day we checked in like 9 plus.. and stayed at the top deck to view the ship's departure.. too bad everything was dark, so except for some distant lights from Jurong island and their pollution, it was pitch darkness.
tt nite was the first time i sang karoake... yar it's pretty pathetic and dumb for me to sing it for the first time in my entire life, but wth. COOL MAN!!!! but sad, all songs i noe are eng de, and most eng songs are like edited, not the ones u hear presently. example is BSB the 'i want it that way', so high pitch and fast lo, some more is sang by a gal de... O_O . sang for an hr, turned in at 3am.
guess wat? next day, woke up at 6 plus to see sun rise, but missed it... aww :'( , but wth.. haha.. most of the time we do was to eat, eat and eat, cuz the food dere is like almost free, as we paid beforehand, and expenses were cut off from our access cards, so no real cash is needed to pay for anything. played a bit of bball dere, and then the ship docked at KL. we didnt go down at first, but when we did, i was like so bored and moody, cuz i rather spend time at da cabin slping. haha lazy me. afta tt, of cuz i went back cabin to slp.. to clear my moodiness, which worked. yay~ nth much oso, only enjoyed another nite session of karoake =) . this time at least gt 1 song tt is correctly pitched, one love by blue. 'one love, for the mother's pride, one love, for the times we've cried, one love, gotta stay alive, i will survive...' yea man luv tt song, even though i offtune abit... cant blame me, only my 2nd time... xP
haha last day liao, gotta EAT more!!!! LOL, went to spend off last $200 in jap restaurant, aww so ex~ b4 tt we went for jacuzzi and swimming... SO NICE!! ~ docked at singapore at 1315pm, then only received like 2 smses, but heck care tt. feel very tired, but afta arrival, i went to CG for fun, and it was!!

Sermon: Look things at god's point of view. See things which are unseen. Faith in god determines this.

Easy: Just aim for things beyond your limit, and work for it. Do not give up.

cant believe some frens actually tot i was 16++ years old.. do i look tt old??? hmm... *shrugs* haha, at least im growing... someone even tot i was a poly student...
reached home at 7pm, and couldnt believe i slpt at 2200.. early man. dont feel like going windsurfing today... total 'wornage' man.. haha wadeva tt means... lol signing off ~~

Sunday, November 12, 2006 0 comments

Back again... today is quite a gd and bad day. one of the coldest day in the world... man it freezes the heart. wish my heart could freeze and stop so no nid to worry so much alwaes...
went for windsurfing course today.. at national sailing center... wtf, that's like so faaaaaaaaaaaar!! yea still can reach la, overall, singapore such a little red dot.. so it's nth =]. walk halfway there then.. oh sh!t, needa go toilet and sh!t!!! aww.... lucky i can hold... xP. b4 tt mus take bus 858 to changi, then 36 to ECP... which is like so damn long. starting of the course was like, swimming competition.. aww. so long nvr swim liao, arms tml sure cramp de xP. we lost, i and mie fren.. so sad, but wth. anyway, afta tt he left and i stayed, and i tot i was leaving so nvr eat lunch... strange thing was i could last to 6pm from then, which was about 12nn!! lol... to b frank, i sux at windsurfing. the basic course didnt help much, and others were like so pro, but i m like at the bottom... one day ended lidat... lucky gt fren can hitch me ride home... whew~
VERY BAD THING = I LOST MY SPECS CUZ OF STUPID FALL!! wtf man, not up to 3mths then lose... mus go smash my head on da wall for nt getting spectacle band... haiz
missed a lot of things cuz of this, didnt go church, didnt go perf, which is gd, didnt go bienalle... hope the course worth it ba...
LOL havent do hw.. mus start ler, later go lib.. haha

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 0 comments

Liao.. so long nvr update blog liao... sry sry.. but hu cares... lol i nid to change. Boring rite? the same template for mths liao... haha nvm. many things changed, and it's after exams.
Sian lars, extended programme... now too much holiday mood, how to absorb info? omg.. mus go wake myself up, smash my head against de wall.. lols. studyy!!! osoo too much stress.. guess i induced them to myself de.. wth.. must stand back up again. recently gt probs again, wth, mus nt b too silent nia... x -> xD.. -_-" yaya..
haiz sian... mus make more frens le.. lol i feel so awkward man.. say here. stupid nia, but wat de heck.. haiz...

welcome =)

[#o1] Welcome to mah bloggy
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] Tag before you leave [puh-leaseeee?]
[#o5] No vulgarities [!@*&$^%]
[#o6] Leave if you're unhappy =(

the author

!15 yrs!
!Short... aww T.T!


1> GCE 'o' lvls L1R5 <10
2> Learn until electric guitar!!SOW!
4> Stay happy =)
5> Get off depression.
6> Get back my ABS!! =)
7> Caring for others, esp frens, love ya all!!


1> Nvr give up!! Or u'll b sorry!!
2> Stay strong, 'keep holding on'!!
3> Stay faithful; it produces patience.
5> James 1:2~3 -> 'Various trials, faith -> patience'
6> Philippians 3:13~14 -> 'Forget past, reaching forward to future.'
7> Be sensitive to others!!
8> Live with discipline, self-control, and a shepherd's heart.

link xchnge


%3J'o6, 4J'o7%
Ji Yuen~
Shu Feng~
%Nice frenz%
Mi Sis~

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long time ago
February 2006
July 2006
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October 2006
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May 2007

designer: ambivalente
lyrics: getty

Musix X'tras
