Project: Acceleration*07
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 0 comments

Wow.. so long nvr touch my blog le, yet ppl still tag by, im so touched T_T.. haha i mean ^^ yesh lol. Gt sick today, but wats more impt, was tt i couldnt stay or i'd implode and go crazy... Omg wads happening to me?! Seriously nid help.. viewers if u haf the heart and the kindness can tag ur comments ^^
haiz.. so far my studies were still bad. nvr did plan my time well... wth me. haiz, my fault. Ok, so tt's one. Then there's the demotivating devil ringing in my head to slack, like now, tt's y i writing ma blog, so not wasting time, at least ppl can see.. hah. oso there's the heart-killer. to be frank rite, i hate my position more and more.. always feel stressed de.. gib u bigger clue ba, always feel sian canot talk to ppl.. well some of u dont think so, so be it.. i'll jus find others to share. If only i were to make a sacrifice and move to zhengkang's place.. too painful ba. ermm ok i like putting probs out lidat, haha. anyway, sometimes cant stand form teacher, but today ok ok la, mebbe my impression towards her changed a bit, or cuz previously it was jus depression, tt's y canot stand her nagging ba.. haha she like so caring towards me today, but as a class canot la.. i'm so confused @_@ .. haha.. alot of things la, even virtuality cant explain my heart. for me, i jus pray everything be alrite ba, meanwhile i shld start planning and stop slacking.. sometimes oso jus help ppl on their journey.. gosh, only at her presence then i stress.. o y Lord?

VISION 2007: ACCELERATE!! new visions, new goals, new strategies, new fruits!! Dont give up, stay strong, be faithful; it produces patience.
~one word summary: help~

Day power
Sunday, February 04, 2007 0 comments

long tym no touch blog le... did some major construction tt lasted barely 1/2 hr... muahahaha... lol jking... life seems to b starting to turn a new leaf... and it's nt bad, but quite hard too. i jus hope and pray tt everything b alrite ba...
a day like dis comes like once in a while la. morn is drum prac, but i no choice haf to go, cuz haf to meet up wif bros at dhoby. was 1 hr late xP, but they understand... don't u, guys? haha lurve u all, *muackzz* lol ok i mustn't b too lame. anyway, i prefer to disclose the location in case... nvm. afta tt we gave yenxi a surprise la (Thea's fren =] ). was so funi lor!!! haha lmao.. i mean at the prank, nt her.. haha wat a cool cell grp.
headed to church, praise & worship, sermon, fellowship and hangout, then dinner le... time passes fast when ur enjoying.. haha. sad at first, but guess wat? we headed back to church afta tt!!! woot~ at church some of us listen to songs played by alton on da acoustic... so nice and relaxing, then weehoe, thea, 1 more person, and 1 were like 'pooling'.. lol more fun nia... cuz i won both wif teammate de =) muahahaha... lol jking jking, sry if i nt too humble, but every now and then must celeb a bit mah rite? lol it's nth la... cuz i oso nub ma.. we all nubs =) afta a game/2 some of us + me prayed la... at first is like 3 ppl only, then suddenly grow to many many nia... mus thnk those guys for enhancing His presence... yay~ it's so anionting la... and powerful... esp when ppl shout in tt language... anyway, realy lurve my church bros and sis.. haha thnks for everything man... oso thnk u Norman for bringing me here la, if nt i duno wat i'd b doing now... plucking leaves? lol.. realy lurve tt prayer session... and everything else at tt time..
reached at home at abt 12mn... and then until now =) haha dis is quite a cool moment... hope it motivates me to initialise a momentum... understand ma? can decipher? hope u can... u readers all so smart mah.. haha... cya someday y'all!!! saya keluar barris~

welcome =)

[#o1] Welcome to mah bloggy
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] Tag before you leave [puh-leaseeee?]
[#o5] No vulgarities [!@*&$^%]
[#o6] Leave if you're unhappy =(

the author

!15 yrs!
!Short... aww T.T!


1> GCE 'o' lvls L1R5 <10
2> Learn until electric guitar!!SOW!
4> Stay happy =)
5> Get off depression.
6> Get back my ABS!! =)
7> Caring for others, esp frens, love ya all!!


1> Nvr give up!! Or u'll b sorry!!
2> Stay strong, 'keep holding on'!!
3> Stay faithful; it produces patience.
5> James 1:2~3 -> 'Various trials, faith -> patience'
6> Philippians 3:13~14 -> 'Forget past, reaching forward to future.'
7> Be sensitive to others!!
8> Live with discipline, self-control, and a shepherd's heart.

link xchnge


%3J'o6, 4J'o7%
Ji Yuen~
Shu Feng~
%Nice frenz%
Mi Sis~

drop a tag

long time ago
February 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
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February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

designer: ambivalente
lyrics: getty

Musix X'tras
